Sustainability is bigger than choosing eco-friendly products, keeping chemicals out of our waterways, reducing waste, and lowering energy consumption. We believe it is our Corporate Social Responsibility to ensure we are doing that every day. For us it's deeper, it's about protecting the current Lake Erie shoreline so that it's around for generations to come. It means giving our customers solutions that don't just repair the damage, we address the root of the erosion, taking measures to prevent it and restore their property to livable space.
This is a property near Edgewater Park, Ohio. Photo 1 shows conditions shortly after construction began. Photo 2 shows drainage bedding being installed for stormwater. Photo 3 shows their finished lakeside patio, with ODOT B stone and turf matting for deep-rooting riparian plants to soak up groundwater and stabilize the soil.
Steps we've taken in Q2 of 2023
Hosted a series of Community Meetings educating Lakefront homeowners on how to engage with a coastal engineer, apply for permits with the ODNR, and find sustainable solutions to mitigating the effects of erosion.
Internally reviewed our operations and procedures to ensure we are minimizing our disturbance to the natural ecosystems present at each job site.
